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Sarah (@milkbag_fanpage) “created” these: Jinnie, Yumi, Weimei, Wei and Mei. When she told me their meanings I was really impressed. She is so creative! I hope her main is no longer on private so I can see her collages :)
I’ll comment the meanings here so people can understand
Yumi (唯美 - weimei) means 탐미 (tammi), which means “love of beauty”. “탐미적인” (tammijeogin) means (a)esthetic. Also “milk” (from the username @milkbag) is 우유 - uyu - and yu (유) + mi (미, or 美, means “beauty”, “the beautiful”) = Yumi. Weimei = Yumi. Wei means “yea” (yes, the exclamation). She says it all the time! And Mei means “beautiful”. Jinnie: Jin (from the korean name Yeong-JIN) + Nie (진니). The word “jinni” doesn’t exist but “jini” (지니) is “genie”, which, in Portuguese, means “gênio” and this word can be translated as “genie” and “genius”.