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uh oh another trump supporter w useless hope that trump will win 2024 when he wont even be allowed to run and be too much of a coward to even try
I support Trump. I think he’s amazing! and no it is not useless hope. I support the Trump supporters. Trump is not a coward. he can run again, you’ll see. and no he’s no coward. ur the coward. leave this person alone. it’s time to put up or shut up.
hello, @cowgirl_trump! as u can see, I just stood up for u. I hope that u won’t have a h8 page anytime soon and that plenty of other ppl on here support Trump!
wow ig this place is full of uneducated red necks
honestly I’d say what I’ve been saying to someone’s face so I’m not a coward and ur just ignorant if u think that Cheeto puff is amazing. he’s a literal man child. he said “a thousand million” as if he was too dumb to say “a billion”
scratch that he is too dumb
i don't support trump. i think he's just annoying, rude, racist, etc. i highly suggest you not supporting him. He's just gonna keep being himself. Support Biden instead