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and with this post, i would like to celebrate these iconic eye looks which seem straight outta panem 🙏🏽😍 ah, such times, the hunger games’ days 💘🤤 oml ALSO! i’m back to posting at @GrowingUp 💗 have a grreat day and hang on—it’s almost friday! ❤️
omg I miss the hunger games’ days !! (this is amazing btw)
incredible xx
Mmmm so true, those books and movies were so goood!!
this is lovely! and thank you so so much, it also made me stay up for like an hour the night I found it. ah the internet. <3
my day was good too stressed bc finals but otherwise it’s 💕
i literally look at your collages with my mouth wide open like hOw- 🤩
I have listened to the daily on a few occasions, and I will check out “misfits”! I absolutely love podcasts and even though I have like a million I listen to regularly, I am always looking for more!✨🌙
and ahhh.. I remember the incredibly heavy “book hangover” I had from the hunger games so vividly, and it’s already been 5 years since I read the series the first time! this beautiful collage really made me nostalgic for the simpler times those were in my life outside the novels😌✨🌙