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Ok, so I was riding in a car with this girl who I am no longer friend with. Stressed Out came on the radio and she was like "OMG I LOVE TWENTY ONE PILOTS. BLURRYFACE IS MY FAVORITE SONG!" And I had to restrain myself from correcting her. Then I asked what other songs she liked by them, and she said "Oh, I haven't heard any of their other songs." Yet she had been telling me what a big fan she was and I just didn't know how to respond.
Honestly I can't stand "fake fans" but I don't like people calling others fake fans either. While it bothers me if they say they're huge fans and know everything when they don't it doesn't bother me if they say "Oh yeah I love their songs" and all they've heard is three because I'm not gonna expect them to go and look up every single one of their songs and listen to them all. You can love a band without knowing every little detail about it. Let's people like what they want the way they want to like it. ((Sorry for ranting on your post. This is just something that really bothers me😅I'm trying to be mean or anything to you))
Omg this bothers me so much too!
you people understand me😱😭
omg when someone says they are a huge fan but aren't I'm just like "get out of my josh dun diddly darn face"😂
I know how you feel