πŸ’“ xx, mintyfollowing_ πŸ’“


πŸ’“ xx, mintyfollowing_ πŸ’“

84 0
This is so cool!❀️
aw this is so sweet of you Kate ! πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸŒ€πŸŒ€
I'll do the deals later x
this is nice😍😍
but did you know that your following crashingwaters hate page??πŸ˜•πŸ˜πŸ˜¬
thank you!
Great idea!❀️
this is such a good idea!
love this idea!
fantastic idea
wow, this is a sweet and amazing ideaπŸ’œ
I'm following allllll your accounts!!! 😊
I followed all ur accounts!!!!
wow thanks!!! this is awesome!!☺️
this is a good idea! I have a following account where I just follow as many people as possible, but I wish I had time to do this like u r!
hello πŸ˜ƒ
hi love youπŸŽ€πŸ’œ
HAIπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒsorry I'm weird
done with grand deal
for the part where I pick a prize could u post one of my collages with a caption shoutout?
when do I get the prizes
hi πŸ‘‹ πŸ˜„
liked ❀️ and commented πŸ’¬
Follow DailyDoseOfLove she is a newbie
thx for the follow
also done with grand deal😁and again I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I offended you, I really didn't mean to try and spread hate about you. β˜ΊοΈπŸ’—
I DID ALL OF IT!! Also I love all of your accounts!!!
I even did the grand prize one!! πŸ˜€
can u follow me?
amazing idea btw
Wow did i know this was u