Collage by socx


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yea you’re right
i’m on
yes lol
i was jw, i was gonna lead to something but i’m so exhausted idek how to put it into words
i rlly don’t care if someone snoops atp
🙄🙄 i don’t know, you make my heart tingle
writing it here because i feel embarrassed but
i feel so lost
like in life
and everything
and i feel sad all the time
and exhausted
and i just have no motivation to do anything
and i don’t know who else to talk to about it other than you
i just have no idea what i’m doing in my life, i didn’t even think i’d make it this far lol so basically i have no idea what the fuuuuuu i’m doing or what i want and everything’s just confusing
one of my older friends got married and her dad walking her down the aisle has hit so hard for no reason
because i realised i’ll never have that lol
and it’s just stupid little things like that
basically i have no idea where i’m going in life and it stresses me out bray
and i feel like all i do is make people angry or sad
thank you thank you pretty boy