alexis ! 🤍🧸


alexis ! 🤍🧸

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stank your pretty n yeah thanks
yup n i’m bored let’s do smthingggg
mmm let’s go to Starbucks…?
Ight bet nga
hiii! I’m Olivia:)
hiii, how are you?!?
I’m good!
stank !
would you like to. do something?
sure :) i cant see your account tho :( ^
okayyy bro chill, im not no rat 😭
alexisss imy
YESSSS ITS MEEEEE!!! how have ya beennnnn al??
I do his name is axel and my girls name is Stacey
I love them both so much and wouldn't ever leave them
I thought you was gone forever g-ng
gosh Stacey picked his name, you should tell her that bru.. ad shes doing good
ikr bru..they both fixed so much..and I thank God for the both of them bc they truel like deada-s saved me
and yes we should, what do you wanna do
also I'm not getting if you commented💀
yea she does
exactly so when I was going thru allat I met Stacey and she fixed me like so much I have so much to thank her for..
lmaoo , u d-mba-s
I mean yes sure go for it, shes not mean tf😭 lmaooo h-ll na u can do it yourself
aww hi! x your really pretty too!!
how are you??
I’m doing great! thank you ml
and hows that going stank
I'm glad I'm glad
told you she isn't mean
ikkkk she issss
that's why shes mine and no one but mine
and no ones but mine **
lmaooo pardon my love for my girlfriend
your just jealous
I'm clock datttt ^
haha thank you sm!
yea you are al
and ima clock allat
goodnight al, sleep well..don't leave me again..I missed my childhood bestie
morning al, hope u slept well bru
would you want to do something?
thanks al, I did.. did u ?
thats good al, well ima head off to work right now, so I might not answer for soemtime
oh okay, how was uni ? and okay al
no I don’t but what would you like to do?
that good, al.. well you can go take a nap before we talk sure your gonna be very tired dude
oh okay, I get off work in like 10-20 minutes, but try to get most of your work done al
yea I'm home and that's good al..was the work hard ?
ice cream sounds delicious
well I'm glad you did all your work al
brooo I've never met anyone that lowk gets locked in like you
and whatttt allll
bro that's the major that your in? I thought you went for something else
lmaooo, why wouldn't you get in trouble for being a bad kid ? and thats good al, thats good keep up the good work🙌
you should meet axel, lemme see how good you are with kids lmaoo, and what does the major you do right now do ? like what's the major for ?
and yes right bru, no way you changed.. you were like the bad kid growing up al..remember you fought that one girl back in senior year??
what grade are you in now bru ???
yes lets appreciate you al
okay, im sure he's in his play room.. c'mon I'll show you the way *gets up from the couch waiting on you* dang so your major mostly travels places,? that's cool *smiles at you, while nodding*
ohh is that so al..? and yes I remember you told me lmaoo, why'd you even fight her?? remember when every one knew you? like you were basically famous lmaoo, i was just your body guard
dang a junior ?? time went by fast, like so fast bru
well *smiles and teases you playfully* anywaysss, that's cool though? I'm sure you enjoy your major al *smiles and goes upstairs, making sure your behind me*
oh okay al. oh for real, never knew that you literally were popular. oh yeah Noah and the boys, gosh we had good times, so many three grew up together so sad that we all went out separate ways, but me and you found each other again :) and yea Noah was way bigger and bulkier then me lmaoo but no problem al, im glad we were able to keep you safe
DANG GIRLLLL, yes it does wish i could rewind, but I love the present now lmaoo
i don't know, ask Stacey.. she'll tell you *laughs walking up to the last stair* im glad you enjoy you major al *smiles and walks to the end of the hallway* lmaoo, a mansion is for rich people *laughs and shakes my head* nah we're not rich, we're at least at average of rich lmaoo
i know, we are fun to have around lmaoo..what would we do that would p-ss you off al? i know you still loved us lolll, dude your mom was like my second mom, shes the best, how's she doing? yess bro you were basically our freaking Uber driver to and from school, and from wherever we would hangout from. we have, dude you were so mean to him, poor Noah was a shy and kind kid before we turned him into how he was back then lmaoo
i know im not the only one al, jeez
okay! *smiles and puts on my jacket and grabs my phone and wallet*
yup! *smiles and walks behind you*
your so dramatic bru, and for no reason to *opens the door and walks inside* well he's right over there, go show me your skills..if you have any *laughs* I do not have a mansion for the last time !!! *looks at you* YES AVERAGE, no al, im not lying to myself, im serious ask Stacey she'll legit tell you
how old is your mom ? - wait don't answer that.. i shouldnt have asked that.. okay I can pay for you now gosh diggity dang it.. he was, miss the big boy Noah.. may God look over my friend
okay al
okay, if you say so *rolls my eyes playfully and watches you* go, go ahead al *laughs* // *looks up from his toys and smiles* hewwo *continues to play, making the toys sound* // *laughs as I point at you*
yea okay *laughs getting my wallet* okay here we go
*watches you two from the door* // *nods looking back up at you* sure, you can be sonic and i'll be tails *hands you the sonic toy* // *smiles*
no you wanna talk shi about how i never paid you, so here i am..years later paying you *reaches for your hand*
a : yea, I do *makes the tails voice* // *nods walking towards you guys, smiling* hey buddy can I play ?
bru, again with this rich stuff ? *looks at you before smiling* we're not rich, we have an average rich salary
*smiles and walks out the door*
axel : yes dada *hands me the knuckles toy* hi sonic, im just hanging around, what bout you ? // *interacts with the conversation* hey guys *looking at you, and gives you a slight smile*
ughh *stops to look at you serious* okay fine i work as an accountant, and Stacey has a good well paying job, you should ask her what she does
axel : hey *tries to say his name* sonic, wanna race ? *looks at sonic with his toy* // hey tails and sonic *looks at the toys* can i race with you guys ?
yeah, now are you happy ? *smiles* whatcha wanna do al?
*watches you help him* oh c'mon guys, let me race with you guys // axel : okay he can race *smiles and sets the toy up to race*
*looks at you* well an hour is 18-36 dollars, but that's an per year it is 47-94k .. *looks at you, nodding* yeah that's what i get paid an hour and per year
axel : i not gonna lose, you gonna lose *giggles and starts the count down* // *smiles and gets into position* okay lets go
yea, it does pay man maybe we are above average *laughs* yea, what kid?
well I’m 20 I’ll be turning 21 in February. you know about axel he’s almost two. uhh I like to color, dance, sing, you name it
I’m a photographer
oh really, c'mon *runs after tails and sonic* // axel : *smiles and giggles running with his toy*
ohh well, let me pay you back..please *makes the puppy eyes*
oh really, im not as slow. *runs with the toy* // axel : yea, he gonna lose to us badly *giggles and stops when he hits the place where we stop*
oh okay, well if for any reason you need money, i've got you. now lets go eat im hungry man *smiles and gets up putting my hoodie on*
*smiles and follows you* i guess we do don’t we
your just hating dude *laugh and finishes after you* aww man, i lost *s-ks my teeth in* oh guys cheated
okay..*nods pulling my pants up a little* yea, im ready..are you? *gets my keys* is this place far bru?
butter pean cone sounds delicious
yea, you are hating *laughs* // axel: yes, good job sonic *giggles making fun of knuckles* yah 'nuckles you lost, tehehe
oh okay, i don't like driving far *smiles and gets my phone and wallet, walking out the door* yes, we shall go dude *smiles and closes the door, locking it* lets go bro *walks to the car*
yuh you are *laughs* // *axel : giggles and smiles, playing with the other toys, leaving the tails toy on the floor**
*unlocks the car, opening my door, getting inside* hurry up dude *laughs and buckles up, staring the car*
axel : *plays with the toys* // mm i dunno *shrugs and smiles, dropping the toy on the floor*
*watches you and waits till you put on your seat belt* okay lets go *drives out the driveway, turning left*
mmm, as i said before.. i dunno *shrugs again and laughs*
yea, connect.. i dotn care bru *smiles and nods, driving to the place*
( okay alexis..sleep well, i'll talk to you tomorrow stank )
*smiles and stands behind you*
yea, sure *gets up, walking to you, to help you up and walks to the door*
mm lou deezi huh? *smiles and drives, turning the volume up from the car*
axel : otay new friend *smiles and plays with the toys* // *walks out and smiles at you, then waits for you in the hallway*
bro everything, what do you know about him ?? *nods my head to the song, driving*
( ima head to bed alexis, sleep well..)
*squints my eyes as i close the door, laughing* mm he is but you should see him at night *laughs* lets go
oh really ? *laughs as I drive*
*laughs as i shake my head* you know what i mean *laughs*
think whatchu wan' think dawg *laughs and drives*
lmaoo *laughs and walks to my kitchen, nodding* yeah, we have water, s-da, sparkling ice, or you just want water ? *looks in my refrigerator*
*turns into the parking lot of the place finding a spot to park* oooo your luck asfc bruuuu
*walks to a table*
yea *nods and grabs the cherry limeade, getting a vitamin water, closing the door* okay here you go *smiles and hands you your drink*
noo, i am just not good at showing it, sorry *grabs my keys, wallet and phone*
me too *smiles and does the same*
hi alexis, im alejandro :)
your welcome *smiles and sits next to you*
oh okay, God *smiles and opens the door to get out*
i'm doing quite fine, you?
*smiles and looks up*
*takes my ice cream* thank you
uh no, he's in daycare *smiles* why?
*smiles as you make sure, and walks to the door to hold it for you* yes, now go inside *looks at you*
*smiles and lxcks mine*
yea, he does *drinks*
okay ale *smiles and walks in after you*
yes it’s yummy
*smiles and lxcks*
yea *smiles and grabs the remote for the tv in the kitchen* what do you wanna watch ?
*looks around for a bit before walking up behind you, looking at the lady thats in the front*
back home
lets count..*puts my fingers up as i count, mumbling my words* one in the guest room, my room, the playroom, the living room, the kitchen and the downstairs guest room *laughs and pulls up six fingers* so uh six tv's
*looks at you then my phone, not interacting with you guys*
*puts my hand down and laughs with you, gentle hitting your arm, also making sure i didn't hurt you all while i'm laughing*
*keeps looking at my phone, looking up making sure i'm not bumping into other people* *puts my hand up signaling the lady 'thanks' sitting down in front of you*
hii !! this is erykah !! we decided that we will be leaving this app in a few weeks - or before the app goes away - you can find us on insta @evergreenn- .. we will be making our own separate accounts, you can follow me on my account @_.e017017 , i will be texting everyones separate account on insta :) i will try to get at you soon, if not then i will try my best to get them to you guys when the app goes away, if i'm being honest i'ma text the accounts in the beginning of summer or in the middle..also some people are leaving everything fully :) anyways so yeah, i'll try to ask everyone to make their accounts so I can just send them to you :) okay yeah..bye :)
*stops when you stop and laughs again*
yea, everything is fine..promise *smiles at you as I put my phone down on the table* why you asking ? *grabs the other menu*
*laughs harder when you fall* bro how ? *laughs*
*shakes my head* no, everything is fine, my mom just texted..but thanks for checking up on me ale *smiles and reads the menu* what are you gonna eat ?
*laughs and gets up to help you up from the floor*
likewise :) and same for you al *looks at the menu* oo sounds good, i'ma get the spicy chicken ramen *smiles*
*nods and helps you up* mhm, your welcome
your welcome al *smiles as I look at him to* uh hey, yeah can I get water, also can you put ice in it? *looks at you then him*
heyy alexiisssss, imy to