Collage by -those4kids-


29 77
chicken nuggets are the best😌
whenever I do stupid stuff, you have to understand I mean it
you are so fūcking gorgeous like how?
no I'm not shush 😌💕
^yes you are, you are the prettiest girl I have ever laid eyes on💘
thank you💕💕
^don't thank me, it's true
hi bubba❤️
hey sexy
^wow, wow, back the fùćk up
^what you worried that I'll steal your girl?
^no just trying to get you to shut up
^sure. jealousy is an illness, get better soon
^ I have no idea why my amazing boyfriend would be jealous of you.
And for your information, I would never leave him
💕thank you^
baby I want you😩❤
hey! ^
bubba I'm so tired and I have to go to sleep😘 love you, and I always will my princess❤💯
hi princess😍
^yayyyy :)
how are you bub?
pretty good :-) and you? ^
not that bad, can I have you in a few hours princess😫
of course😘