


38 1
do contest
I don't know how
k thx just whanted to now
she kind of creepy)she how's my name and my bffs)plus she's mean)
u just realized that
she started accusing me of being mean to her
yea I do t think so 😬😬 she's calling me gay XD 😆
i meant I don't think so I mean she's bullying u and me so yea..... 😰
so wait let me get this strait its just me and u getting bullied so no one else cares
well she's bullying me and u but I think some peps care I don't now..!?
I don't know what your talking about but I hate bullies so I feel for you
I hate bullies too. they think that they are so strong when there not
the girl rides my bus..... well she said that any way she said sorry to me soo yea.....😬
lol kill trump