Collage by Tumlbr-Cookies


3 0
Did you make that???
yea why
Idk I just figured u looked it up online like not making it.
just wondering,what does alcm mean
lol I know I'm bad at making them but I made this I made I bunch I'm kind of addicted
No you're not that's why I thought u got it from online.😂😂
So what does alcm mean??
Ashton Luke calum and Michael
Ohhhhh ok😂😂👍👍
lol what does yours mean
Nichi on your icon how did you round the letters???
Yes I'll write it down in math class and give it to you today
and idk I love 5sos and ALDC
well ALDC means Abby lee dance company
ok I though it meant Ashton Luke calum and I was confused on the d lol ok I get it ow
lol ok😂😂