Entry contest for ThePicCollageAwards! Directions to get a spam: press my "RESPONSES" box under my link thingie that says Pray for Matthew Victims, then like the remix that is this one. Thank you 😊! 😘


Entry contest for ThePicCollageAwards! Directions to get a spam: press my "RESPONSES" box under my link thingie that says Pray for Matthew Victims, then like the remix that is this one. Thank you 😊! 😘

46 1
hi, I believe you're Lisa's sister
I know you live next to Theresa
lol I'm in Lisa's math
yes I'm shauna
thanks so much lovely ! πŸ’•πŸ˜˜πŸ™ˆ that means so much to me !! xx
thank you soooo much!! ☺️☺️
hey I'm @The_Official_Games and i am SOOOO sorry i never responded to your message!! πŸ˜–πŸ˜– I have so many notifications it just got lost. But i'll give you an extension until tonight to enter with this account! I'll still count your score!! I am soooooooooooooooooooo sorry about this!! 😘✨
just enter at @The_Official_Games (not my the acc. i'm on now)
ahhhh i feel so bad i'm sorry again 😫😫
Hope you like your icon!
@caption NO OF COURSE NOT!!!!
also I love this !!!!
OMG!!! Love this!!!! (: x