I have no collages to post sorryyYyYyYy

Favourite book? 
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I have no collages to post sorryyYyYyYy Favourite book? See comments

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AOTD- Warcross. it’s a sci fi about a girl called Emika Chen (she has pink hair it’s great) who hacks into the annual warcross championships, and Heido Tenaki ships her out to... *jazz hands* TOKYO! so yeah the story is set in Tokyo and it’s so aesthetic! my fave character is Hammie
(Sorry for the copy and paste message 😅) You can ignore it...but here’s the message...I’m having a giveaway on my account so please check it out! Thank you so much for entering (if you did) and thanks for spending your time and effort to read this boring message.
Okay lol, all of them?
thx for the follow!!☺️I love your acc btw😁💖😆💙
yaaass i love the book warcross
the outsiders!!!!
eeeee yaassss
Fav book: I am Princess X
im going to guess, you didn’t start school on Tuesday and you are not doing geography and spanish