Another repost from my other account dedicated to Jimin for his bday πŸ’œ


Another repost from my other account dedicated to Jimin for his bday πŸ’œ

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New round for the Games up on my page! Go check it out!πŸ’­
no not rlly idk where i've been
ive missed you and everyone else girlie how yA BEEN
i feel i feel, too much stress and too much drama. + the teachers suck. and ive been okay i guess, just lots of drama but i found out like 20 minutes ago my crush likes me so ayyYYYYY
today we had a sub in bio and like 3 kids were talking and she went on 15 minute speech about how our generation is so awful and disrespectful and how our parents can't raise us right and I wanted to. maul. her. like what right does she have to say that?? ugh- it made me so mad. aNywAys ya she's cute and funny and gr9 but she's kinda a hΓΆe (':
she's so awKwArd and cUte im- AAAA
i keep calling her a beautiful lemon and she's so confused it's great