At ihop


At ihop

14 0
hey can u help me get more followers
sure let me see your I pad and switch
ok now or after u finish ur work
I did most of them
ok help get more followers
did you get a new follower
I got three more followers over night
ok the last one you got click on it and look at there post and click one you like then click the heart and then the comments and say I like that then say can you help me get more followers
now do you understand
well yea but I still need ur help
ok what do you need help with
getting more followers duh
I told you what to do so duh nothing
can u tell ur followers to follow me
I didn't get it
idk I just didn't
I will help you if we stay in for are play time or free time if we have it
no I mean I didn't get other message I don't need help on getting followers I already asked some people
ok I no
then how can u help me on that
so how many followers do you have now
do you have a lot of followers