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HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAYY YA’LL! I didn’t have the best morning and threw up 😂, but I feel much better now! I also drew the Australia flag on my wrist, and had a huge partayy! Hope you have the best Australia Day to all the
Aussies out there! Peace 👌🏼
thank you so much for telling me about the fonts xx
*self advertisement* hey! you’re so talented and amazing and I would love is you joined my 2k games! there are four teams: dog🐶, art🎨, flower🌸 and ocean🌊. each team could have 4 players so enter ASAP! tysm! have a great day! ❤️💜💕
thanks ❤️
omg love this!!!!!
teams are up! come to my account to see what team you’re on! 💕
round 1 is up! 💕💕 good luck!
happy Australia Day! this collage is so pretty 💓 xx
I suddenly feel like I’m the only one who lives in America 😂
aw thank you!!
Thank you!
thank you!
YEAH IKR but my fav color is orange but I decided to do green instead cuz its another one of my favorite colors👌👌👌💚
Nice to have u on team green! ✋*high fives*
tysm!! I love this!
no, thank you! that advice is perfect! I start in 2 more days! eeeek!
happy Australia Day for yesterday! this is much better than mine lol
no problem
thank you! this is AMAZING
Beautiful! And Happy late Australia Day! even though I'm American 💕
Happy late Australia Day to u too!!
hi Hana!!! tysm❤️ I’d really appreciate any help I can get. thank you for the offer!! sure we can be friends❤️❤️❤️
pls enter my icon contest
haha no. I’m weird too, don’t worry hehe.
amazing happy Australia Day for the other day💙
Feb. 20
I’ll give these a listen, thank you for the recs. :)
Round one is up! 🎨
For the collab, did you have a specific quote or did you want me to choose it? 💕
hey! just a reminder that you haven’t did the collage for round 1! please do it before January 31 or else you’ll be eliminated and I’d hate to do that! 💕
thank you so much that means a lot, yours is gorgeous to, make sure you read “gorgeous” in an old British fashion... person accent to, that is what i think of when I hear that word, ha ha
aw thank you!!
thanks for the follow :) your collages are honestly so beautiful and creative! love them