William Jordan Riveria||Savage💰


William Jordan Riveria||Savage💰

27 89
owww watermelon if u want some u have to go throw meh I luv wm
watermelon is my wife
watermelon is my wife😂😂 it sounds funny
how it is I made love wit it
dude wtf😂😂
I'm kidding man😂😂
ok I was like what??😂😂
no is mine
I'mfrom fort hood Texas
oh well I was from Pasadena Texas I grew up in the hood
nope watermelon is my bae❤️❤️
country livin was for meh
but now a mixture
it might be your bae but it's my life
^oooohhhhhhh she got you😂😂
oh dam she got me there😂😂
whatchu gonna do😂😂
Chloe you got me there😂😂
ik I did
he can't say nothing back to that😂😂
well it's sorta hard Liam
@Chloe how do you do it?sike*dabs*😂😂
you probably did your dab wrong
yeah I think u do but I know how to dance at least i used to dance battle with my black friends👏🏼
Liam site got the balls to comment on my post but don't like it
that's racist!!😂😂
that's good 🤓
what will said earlier not you😂
that's not racist my friends at least allow me to say Nïger and black since I grew up with black people so...
Ik I was playing😂😂
y'all take shït to seriously
^nah he's like my brother
ohh whatever like you don't😂😂
will talkin bout I have hair goals boy wha you mean I am goals
nah I'm Goals well I used to be when I was with my X Girlfriend
no what she said not you
he lame
I ain't lame you lame
and I don't take stuff seriously
whatever I don't care😂
mhm. sure
uhhhh I ran out of gummy bear
the whole time y'all was talkin I was eating
well lemme go get some of my own gummy bears I'm at the gas station anyways so ha😂😂
dâmn well played see your starting to catch up with meh
yea I am👏🏼😝
yay that's good😂👏
Ikr I deserve a sticker😂
well I ain't got one
well go get one😂
I ain't getting out of bed just for dat
ayyyy I told u I'm 2 hot 4 u..imma 10😂😂😂
yeah you are😩👅💦
jk jk nooooiiii
yea I'm hot you better say it
yea you are hot🌶🌶🌶
papi will always be hott
and your princess will all ways be smexy
yes she will always be smexy
ik she will*kisses your cheek*
*kisses your lips softly*
*kisses back softly and slowly*
*smiles*i can tell princess liked that
yea but not just me u to
yea I gotta admit I liked it👅💦so what at least I admitted it*smirks*
I scared u were gonna like it..😂😂
why of course I liked it why wouldn't I?i made the move first😂😂
well yea I can't just stay here staring at u
I mean I could but what funn is that
idk I'll remix you
or you remix me
u remix meh
no you remix me😂
uhhhhh ok
ayyyy babe
eating gummy bears
u still remember that
yeah I'm seriously eating gummy bears😂
same though I found some more and big pack
I got the big pack too
the greens such
I love the greens😭
I like the reds😂😂😂
I hate reds✖️
no how could u
I'm kidding baby I love all of them❤️mostly you your my red gummy bear
yay*kisses u*i luv u to
ok our plan is to do dirty stuff around Liam and Taylor so I might grind a lik so be prepared
well nvm I left the convo there be such ässes to me
ok so what u wanna do
idk my finger really hurts
owwwww I'm srry trust meh ik how u feel I was holding my phone up and it feel right on my face and now I'm sore
that seemed like it hurt
it does it was a hour ago a it sore like tf
ehhh I broke my toilet seat
I saw the post
it's alright
ok*kisses you back*
ok thanks babe
*puts my arm around you and kisses you softly*
*lays you down on the couch still kissing you*
i love you to babygirl*gets a bøner and looks at it*sorry bout that it will go down soon
I'm lost I'm sorry babygirl I just got down leaving the gym
what did you mean to say
yeah to workout
I'll post my abs in a lil to show my progress
she ain't online Cuzz no one was talking to her and got bored lol so I can on to talk to the bae
who's not online
your gf 😑😑
oh yeah sorry I was lost for a sec
it's ik
ok sorry autocorrect
ugh my sis babe ily
what she do? ily2