Please watch. 

This is my friend who does galloping acrobatics with me. I don't have a video of me/ I can't find one 😂 this is to give you a clue on what we do. This is all the same tricks I do


Please watch. This is my friend who does galloping acrobatics with me. I don't have a video of me/ I can't find one 😂 this is to give you a clue on what we do. This is all the same tricks I do

40 1
yeah x a lot of training to do this
that's so cool!
yeah x it's hard work
so awesome!
wow that rules! also please enter my contest I would really enjoy it
yeah xxx
fall of and get kicked in the head
I don't think so
Whoa!!!!! That's SOOOO COOL!!!!
thanks c
that's so awesome!!!!
I will but comment on it as soon as you see it so I can delete it.