Collage by stxners3


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i’m not in the mood, leave me alone
the answer is no . goodbye
she’s asleep . now leave me alone
there is no custody thing . She’s mine and i have full custody. goodbye
literally leave me alone or i’m blocking you
she’s fxkcing sleeping and i’m not in the mood to deal with you
no Jay . She’s literally sleeping right now , calm your balls
that’s never gonna happen . you can come see her at my house .
that is never gonna happen anytime soon .
you left me pregnant . she’s my pride and joy . you can visit her at my house
YES YOU FXKCING DID! God i hāte you so much . Literally leave me alone .
you broke me Jay . you ruined that . Goodbye
i’ll see Jay , goodnight
why’d you do it Jay . why’d you break me
ur such a lair . fxkc u
i want you to stop trying to be in my daughters life .
then i have nothing to say to you . Have babies with Claire or another chic
you can see her ..
or not 👍🏽
Jay i need you .