Miss u


Miss u

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that wasn't a mean comment that he put. he was just warning you not to hate on me since I've had enough. and what you are doing is blamin someone for your actions. I don't want to be the blame of your self harm but you are making me feel like shît by telling me it's my fault. it's not my fault I didn't choose to cut your wrist. why do it? it hurts me when you blame people like you've just done
he was just telling you not to do it again. how is that hate?
it wasn't mean
I'm done
Logan's been through enough. I haven't seen an apology. it's not his fault for an action your taking and the comment he put wasn't mean it was a warning to tell you not to hate on me as it hurt me. he's only sticking up for me and looking after me. why can't you understand that
hey x this isn't hate, but from what I can see, Logan was just trying to warn you and be protective over his sister. he wasn't being mean 💕
yeah ^ I've been talking to lone-girl over iMessage and she's confirmed that Logan didn't mean to be mean. plz don't do anything xx