I realised how I ended up with no friends. I made lots if friends and realised they are bítches and ditched them (:


I realised how I ended up with no friends. I made lots if friends and realised they are bítches and ditched them (:

48 0
But tacos are gr9
so gr9
I think thAts grine?
That sounds way to much like grind
Do you have SnapChat?
tacos are gr8!
meL Im your fren aka neighbor
ik ik
I know how you feel, I had a lot of friends too, and they were users and two-faced b*****s. So now, I only have a few left.
aw at least you know who the real friends are, i've been through this too💗 your not alone! tbh i think everyones gonna get thid at least once in their lives haha x