hey go read the comments pls💞


hey go read the comments pls💞

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ok, so i’m a lot like haley... 2 of my best friends are guys (ik nathan’s her husband but ur husband is supposed to be ur best friend sO FIGHT ME). anyways, i’ve always been just friends with these two guys and ONE OF THEM IS MOVING AWAY😰 i’m so freaking sad you guys🤧💔 he’s gonna live like 5 hrs away from me... but i mean that’s what we have phones for right. i’m just worried that we won’t talk bc one of my girl best friends when i was little moved schools and we promised we’d talk like all the time but we don’t talk at all anymore. and i really don’t want this to be like that😢 also, when any of my guy friends say “atta girl” to me i feel like my heart LITTERALLY EXPLODES💗💕💞💓💘💗💕💞 like idk why but that’s so freaking cute to me and it makes me happy,, if you read this whole rant and plan to read my next one YOU DA BEST !!!
[pt 2] i realized that out of any tv show i watch,, i relate to brooke haley and peyton the most. brooke is literally me because i’m kind of obsessed with beauty and makeup and we tend to have the same taste in guys (my first ever crush was a guy named lucas lol) and we struggle with the same things (like not being enough). i FEEL haley bob on a personal level. i m a huge nerd and have pretty good grades (i also tutor people which was literally her job💁🏽‍♀️) but i also do other things (she sings and i play softball). we also have the same approach to relationships and such (like i probably do the same thing she did and get married really young lol because i’m a hopeless romantic and that’s that🤷‍♀️) and our moms are the same. also, like i said earlier two of my best friends are guys and i tend to go more towards them than girls but i DO have a few best friends that are girls that i love,, they’re my faves. with peyton, i relate to her worldview the most. like the whole people always leave thing, i TOTALLY relate to that. also the whole having a “wierd” taste of music for a “popular” girl and not exactly fitting into the role ur supposed to play (i like rap and i’m a softball player who has a literally shopping obession) I ALSO LEGIT HAVE PEYTON HAIR. like my hair rn is s6 peyton hair except darker and with some brown mixed in with the red. but like dude. i had a revelation and i felt like posting lol😳🤷‍♀️ if you ACTUALLY READ THIS then u the og and you deserve a round of applause
& im not going to fight you on that first part of your comment, it's soo true (you're husband is your best friend)
Lol there might b alot of comments rn
if you guys are like as good as friends as you say you guys are...you'll definitely make time to talk to each other
omg my heart would explode too
lol lucas
its a hot guys name what can ya say?
me too with the not being enough thing
sâme with the nerd thing & good grades lol
OMg YESS hopeless romantic right here👇
me too with the married rlly young
I have a weird taste of music too babe
Your hair sounds sooo pretty
i don't need a round of applause babe, im here all the way
lol sorry for the spam of comments
& lucas is the kinda name where he's a total jerk but seriously hot
It has its ups and downs lol
it just sounds sooo pretty ily too
I related to most of this in all honestly. I was terrified when my friend told me he was moving away. But honestly if y’all are best friends text him as much as u would talk to him. Is there any other way to keep a friendship rather than to talk? 🤷🏾‍♀️
my music taste cant be describe. just a little bit of everything 😂😂
omg I'm so sorry he's moving away
we are omg
except we don't fight lol
np and omg yesss
ive loved her since her first album came out in 2006, whrn i was 6 & i still love her
lol im 17 and still can't spell
omg lololol
i’m the og 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
oh and thanksss
ofc i read it all cause ily riley
oBviOusLy yAll beTteR boW doWn tO thE reAL oG
nothing much
well duh i ain’t changing my self for any guy 🤷🏽‍♀️😫😹😹
i’m hella bored idk what to do
awww I’m sorry your friends moving away that sucks but I sure you guys’ll still talk
wOw it sounds like guys where u live are actual good people unlike here bc basically all the dudes I know are awful and irritating and never stop screaming abt fortnite ((oh and they’re racist âf which is amazing))
oH and if he’s only five hrs away I’m sure you’ll see each other sometimes, if it helps I have a friend who lives in LA which is like a days flight I think from where I live and I haven’t seen her in a few yrs but we still talk,, SO DW IF I CAN KEEP IN TOUCH WITH SOMEONE ANYONE CAN
literally how do u tutor people?? I get good grades ((u would never tell considering how much I procrastinated imâo)) but I hate social interaction most of the time so idk how u do it girl anjsknejnsj
yikes, i got photoshop it’s p cool
awe hon thanks but i’m like a lowkey bì tch but major pushover idk how this is me but