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wow you’re like reallllyyy advanced, I’m 16 and taking Algebra 2 now😂😅I feel your struggle😅but *hugs* I hope life gets better soon💜
I was in an advanced math class last year and I struggled too, so my advice would be to switch to a different class
I’d say switch back to regular classes if you’re struggling so much that it’s extremely stressful~
Ugh...I felt the same about my birthday as well😞Things are getting better, but slowly.
I don’t have ANY right to talk though, because my life is great and I’m not depressed, just existential af
Maybe ask your mom if there’s a time you can talk, and let her know that it’s serious so she can be prepared
Then talk it out xx
I know I can’t do much because I don’t know you irl, but you can ALWAYS rant on my page if you need to💕
Re/ Things aren’t hard for me, I just deal with existentialism on a daily basis for basically no reason😞😂
haha yeah, but I have friends who make it more bearable😅and np💜also, Happy Birthday🎉🎊💜