I'm tired on trying on you.when I know you don't want me):


I'm tired on trying on you.when I know you don't want me):

25 20
what's wrong:(
you sure..?
okay *frowns*
*wipes tears
*hugs your waist*
*looks down sniffling
I don't like it when you're sad *buries my face in your chest*
*looks down
it makes me sad *mumbles*
*looks down*im never going to find love):
don't say that.. *pouts* you're a great guy
it's tru
you'll find someone
no.i don't know why I'm even on this app.?*sighs*
*frowns* oh..
I don't want you to leave *holds onto you*
why?*looks down at uou*
because I'm loosing everyone I care about and I can't loose you too
*looks down
aww that's sad