Collage by heaven_on_earth


4 17
What do you think about splitting into background, quote, text/decorations?
that sounds good. who wants which job??
I'll do text/decorations
I can do background
great! I’ll do quote
btw: what can Emstar09 do??
hi, sorry I only just logged on
sorry I thought there were only 3 people Emstar can do decorations
what should the background theme be?
The theme could be pastel
something beachy
kk all good
so what does it look like now?
oki so beachy? I’ll work on it now and remix it to whoever’s doing text
the quote is: getting lost is always a good way to find yourself. Tell me if I need to find another one☺️
ahh I finished the bg
and I remixed it to everythingswift
great! it looks amazing! sorry that I haven’t really done much! 😘😘
how is the collab going?
It’s looking good so far!
I gave Emstar09 the one with the text
have we finished it yet?
I didn’t change anything because I’m not to sure what to add, so if you wanna add something go ahead! otherwise we can post it
do you wanna just post it?
we can remix it on the challenge
yeah oki! have we done that yet
oki I’ll remix it
wait when I remix it it goes out of proportion and it cuts off the top and end
everythingswift can you remix it
I remixed it