Collage by features-things


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Hello! 🌙 I just want to let you know that you are beautiful/handsome, and you make a difference on our earth. 🌎 My goal is that this makes your day, because I want positivity spread across the world. If you see people in public who look depressed or upset, don't judge them because you don't know there reasoning. ⭐️ My friend saw me in public one time from my school, and said I looked depressed and told her mom. The reason I had looked that way is because I was unhappy with myself, and how I looked. But, to that day, I have learned to love myself no matter what, and never want to be anyone else. ✨ I hope you take this into consideration. Btw your account is amazing, don't let anyone tell you different. 😍 It's unique in its own way! Anyways, Bye loves, Have a great rest of your day! 😊 - A y l a 🌺
You are so talented!!!
Hello first thank you that you start reading this💕You are my follower and I'm happy you are a part of the loyal Cats family🐱💕Thank you for suporting me💕Thank you for likeing my Collages💕 Even if you stopped likeing my collage thx for following me and maybe you will start again with likeing or not💕 Bothe is good for me cause you follow me so I know you liked my collages once and that means the world🌍 to me💕so Thank you your amazing💕 hope you have a good day and never forget to smile cause you look pretty when you smile😸💕
Hello, I'm Leia!🌺 I was wondering if you could like my recent it would mean the world to me since I'm new🌴 sorry for the self advertising💓
like our things for a follow
thank you for staying loyal for a year! you are awesome so I am giving you a shoutout!!!😊 cook collage by the way!
I have twin sister too!
ik this is really late buuuut.. this. is. amazing.