i actually have to go down a size in jeans and my shirts are getting longer :)


i actually have to go down a size in jeans and my shirts are getting longer :)

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"thank" got cut off but i was sure y'all could figure it out lol
ok u look lit but pls. don't. dab -fifi
iM SORRY it honestly belongs on a cringe compilation
fitty 💕✌🏻️
it was to my friend originally but i was too lazy to go back and take another picture so this is what the public gets
fitty 😍😍
what does fitty mean is this another british thing 😂
it means FIT hahhaha 😂💕
oh okay 😂 thank u! 💓💓
no problem u r cute
made u another thing on my page
done another hahah
Congratulations! I'm proud of you😊but I still think you're beautiful 😍
thank you so much!!! 💓💓