Happy pride month!! (Might make a collage for it, idk yet, time just went so fast omg.) But I support all you lovelies, be who you wanna be 🏳️‍🌈


Happy pride month!! (Might make a collage for it, idk yet, time just went so fast omg.) But I support all you lovelies, be who you wanna be 🏳️‍🌈

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thank u! how was ur day going?💕
this is gorgeous!😭
so cute
and thank you so much
ahh i love this!
and i’ve been pretty good, a lot of going back and forth from the beach to home for sports and stuff
how’s your summer been so far
omg happy pride month!!!
I love this collage! the vibe is just 🤌🏼🤌🏼
thank you!! this is fab too💗
happy pride month <3 and ok!👍🪴
Omg yes I'm on the last book and I'm obsessed with the seriess (the name of the series caught me off guard tho cuz it's so- not modern?)
this is phenomenal!!
hey Anouk hru?? tysm! yesss summer sounds like literal bliss!
your support of pride is just inspirational! wish everyone shared the same views!
thanks anouk! i’m back now, and this is so pretty i love all this!!!!!!
this is beautiful!
Yup it for sure was a wild year that's for sure 😂 I remember back in february I was trying to tell you the details, but then more things kept happening as I was writing it to you 😵
Looking back, I was not necessarily stressed, but it was taking so much headspace that I could not sort through any of it to collage it away (which usually helps me TvT)
Now obviously I laugh about it
and I honestly don't know why ppl ask other ppl to ask someone out?? Like I get if you're close friends and the other wingmans for you... but she's a friend of a friend of a friend. We never talk, except for when she started talking to me about the guy??
Anyways, yeah. :) We'll always have a bond cuz of all the things we accomplished together. Whatever happens, happens I'll take it in stride :0
ahh sounds great! I was onky a few time on a horse😅
my day was good, we went home from sicily yeasterday😭
what's ur name btw?😅
I just finished the series today, I was slightly disappointed with the last few chapters but it was a good book lol. I just wish it had more- SuSpEnSe at the end
thanks Anouk! I agree writing is a great outlet. maybe I should start sharing some of mine like you do. it’s not very good though lol 😂
I’m glad you have people supporting you, it truly makes things easier to bare. yeah, it truly would be a nicer place. if they’re happy then I’m happy, you know what I mean?
I’ve been doing okay, things have been pretty stressful with school ending though. reading and writing really helps, in a form of escape I guess. what have you been up to?
your welcome :)💗
ahh that’s nice! my uncle has a ridding stable 😂
oh yes it was so nice! you don’t want to know how much ice cream I ate😭😂
Anouk is a LOVELY name! I’m Chloé btw (it’s French)💕
thanks for the encouragement Anouk! I might create another account to do so though…
definitely! ohhhh, which story? what have you been reading? yeah, me too! friends are really important!
would you like to be friends?💕
oo so pretty!
thanks so much! yeah they were good! and ofc 🫶
i try to!! i really should keep a list of people, because sometimes i forget, but i’ll definitely pray for you <3
nooooo not the hot 🥵😭 it’s ironic though, since recently I’ve been getting good weather👀 opposite continents are so wacky
and yup, I still haven’t written about graduating even though it’s been 4 days. it still feels surreal, but I opened my letter to my future self already and that got me in the feels fs fs
thank you so much
i love the use of puzzles in this, it’s such a cozy collage
It is haha😅
aww tysm! I'm so glad! what have you done today?💕
Hello Anouk! Hoe gaat het?🩷
of course!! 🫶💓
this is gorgeoussss🤩🤩