Collage by Im-Sorry-For-Being-Born


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aw this is so sad im sooooooooooooooooooo sry
ok but just know that we all r here 4 u!
lol i hav like 2k followers this is gonna be hard lol
if u need anything just tell us
as much as I really feel bad for you and wish with all my heart that I could do something to help, this does sound a little suspicious.
hmmm i think i might know u do i?
I’m so sorry! Just remember I’m here for you!
u have me if I can help with something let me know
and i feel so sorry about you
I’m so sorry. But don’t worry. Just pray to God and know that he is always by your side no matter what you are going through.
1 question how do you have a de ice
ps I’m here for u and thx for following
go to this persons profile and she can help
kailyns-therapy-account she helps people if you go read her posts about her friend with depression
and have you talked to an adult or police or something