I'm back *hurt a bit*


I'm back *hurt a bit*

6 0
u ok
I'm fine but my head hurts
are u ok* hugs you....opens eyes* 😳
why r ur eyes open like that
* stops hugging you* um..um...nothing* blushes*
u sure
*blushes* yes 😳
ok * smiles *
*hugs you*......❤️
o shît * walks to wolf *
.....😒 I was trying to hug you
no he's telling me something
.....*rolls eyes* wha are u a "dog" whisper
I'm a wolf and a human and wolf human
*sits down*'oh so u can transform
and why are we in the woods??
ya we r about to be attacked
....*stand behind Nate* I'm scared AF right now man
wolfs that r not my pack comes from every side* u should be
turns into wolf *
......*grabs your hand* 😍❤️
one wolf try's to attack u* *i jump at the wolf and attack it*
.....*smacks forehead* I can't even hold his hand with out him doing it back!!!!
do u want to die
And why am I always getting attacked
they want to eat u
I don't even taste good....😳 idk if I do
run now
*runs in tree* I'm staying up here and this tree is tall so they can't GET ME!!
runs at the wolf bits it*
that what I said
jumps on a wolfs back bits his neck*
well I'm in this tree so they can't get me. I just want purple guy
runs away with wolfs following me * run get help
*jumps down* I'm going to follow them
turns into wolf human mod grabs my gun* stay back
*turns into a bobcat*
turns back into a wolf *
seleste duck now
*roars* where are you
jumps from bushes * DUCK!!!!!!!!
attack wolf that tryed to jump on u*
*goes into bush and ducks*
gets bit on neck* shît
*licks your neck*
follow me seleste
*meows* ok
runs into the city* turn Into a human and run
jumps on a building *
*turns into a human*
why are we running tho
go get a someone that has a bunch
gun not bunch
a bunch of what??
a gun go now
ok fine* goes run into the city*
turns into wolf/ human runs to the tallest building
punches a wolf off the building *
*goes into a building with tons of guns* WOAH!!!
get me a m16
or a shotgun
grabs the m16
*hands it to you* here ya go
loading the gun *
shots the wolfs * f all of u
throws gun off the edge of the building *
*gasp* the gun
what about it
there all gone
so um what do we do now
we did it
*high five*
I'm going to that kfc u want to come
high fives u back*
*smiles* sure I guess
then later we can go to the woods and turn into are animal 😆
ok let's go I'll post it