Go listen this song!! It’s really fun, but first you need to see descendants 3 so you can understand this song better, and you can take advantage and see descendants 1 and 2, but the 4 one I don’t like it because it doesn’t have a lot to do with the other


Go listen this song!! It’s really fun, but first you need to see descendants 3 so you can understand this song better, and you can take advantage and see descendants 1 and 2, but the 4 one I don’t like it because it doesn’t have a lot to do with the other

4 0
go watch and listen!!
que tal te lo pasaste en el parque de atracciones. yo me voy ahora al mercadillo a comprarle unas cosas a mi madre y a mi padre para 👑👑👑
me lo pasé genial, muchas gracias!
pásatelo tú bien en el mercadillo 😘😘
jjjajajajajajajjajjaj que te lo pases muy bien el el mercadillo! jajjajajja
love itttt