Someone help me. I think a guy at my school likes me.


Someone help me. I think a guy at my school likes me.

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Uhhhh even i don't know what to do. Date them if you like them back?!? if you don't just ignore him????? I have no idea how
if you don't think you like them, treat them with care. If you like them back, confront them. an anxious reply or reverted eyes tend to give you the answer.
srry, I didn't answer before, of course you may draw Moony! I love seeing her through the eyes of others, it's so cool!
I don't get it....
Garnet is a fusion of two gems named Ruby and Sapphire, who love each other. therefore, she loves herself.
look, @c-s is not only someone I don't agree with, but is also someone who is rude to those who don't agree with her and then will play the victim when people fight back. if she wants to be left alone so badly, she can talk to me herself. or even better, delete her account
ummmmm I don't get it and don't bother explaining I won't get it
what was it about?
^oh hey look it's the person who hates me commenting on my senpai's posts... *hiss*
Well, you're probably going to think I'm crazy or I've been watching too much SU, because that's kinda what it was about. Anyways, when the dream started, I was in my bed, laying the same way I was when I fell asleep. I opened my eyes (I was seeing from my own perspective), but only partially, like when you're really groggy or waking up from being under anesthesia. I heard Rose Quartz's voice start talking to me. I only remember what she said vaguely. She told me that this (which I assume must mean my life as I know it) wasn't how it was supposed to be. She kept apologizing for something, and talking about how my memory was wiped before I was left behind. She explained the whole story, but I can't remember most of it. She then told me she had to leave, but this wouldn't be the last time she visited me. Then she vanished (I could only see her vague form during the dream), and that's exactly when my dad woke me up.
There are two things in particular that I found odd. One of them was that she didn't call me by my name. She called me something else.
what did she call you by?
also füćk im_a_bunny
oh, well what did you say to make her block you in one shot?
I think she called me Sodalite, which, strangely enough, is the gemsona I plan to make that is based off of my personality and appearance.
I told her she needed to leave you alone, and that she had no right to post those awful collages about you. At least she deleted the collage.
The other thing I thought was odd that relates to my dream is that I have absolutely NO memory of my childhood. None. I have no recollections of anything before I was about 11.
woah. i have memories all the way down till when I was 1. that's so weird but so cool.