Honestly, who could have a crush on Megan 😂.


Honestly, who could have a crush on Megan 😂.

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Do you have a better relationship? I find that impossible. You are the most dull, unrelatable, loveless, desperate person I've encountered all day (and that's saying something, let me tell you).
ya know everyone has a crush on someone
even bacon
Please get a life. Megan is very beautiful and sweet, so it's easy to see why someone might like her. You on the other hand...😒 but you can still apologize and make amends! Join the anti bullying community, it will be highly appreciated
Well why would you care who would have a crush on her? Do you? Is that why you're so obsessed with her?
Report all their collages so they can get noticed for the mean things they post
please just stop the hate
honestly who would have a crush on you
I agree who would ever want to have a crush on you sine your so mean
Your jealous because no one would ever crush on a jerk like you. Someone likes her because she's kind, smart, pretty, and more talented then you are.
maybe you do. it would explain all the attention. you are giving her
why do you care so much
you, honey. it's ok to be sexually frustrated, you don't have to take it out on others.
a lot of people probably have a crush on Megan.
Megan, don't listen, I don't know even why they care so much, they are just jealous
do you have a crush
anyone can have a crush on me tbh