My brothers are currently going through a phase where they think it's the funniest thing to randomly shout things like Big Ben, Statue of Liberty and Eiffel Tower


•Noot• My brothers are currently going through a phase where they think it's the funniest thing to randomly shout things like Big Ben, Statue of Liberty and Eiffel Tower

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oH wOw BiG bEn IsN't ThAt FuNnY
iKr WoW I'm ToTaLlY rOfLmAoOL !
wOw YoUr BrOtHeRs ArE jUsT sO fUnNy
tHeY rEaLlY aRe ThEy TeLl ThE bEsT sTaTuE oF lIbErTy JoKeS
tHeY jUsT cRaCk Me Up
I cAn'T hAnDlE iT i JuSt OmG