~Every feminist... Ever


~Every feminist... Ever

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sry for not telling you this sooner cause I've been inactive on this account but if you want to repost that tumblr thing still you can :)
okay but there's a reason for not wearing meninist shirts? just like ppl shouldn't wear nazï shirts?? I don't see what ur trying to get at?
then what's the reason??
meninists have never fought for men's rights? the harass feminists online.
feminists DO advocate for men's rights
we don't need to. it's a joke, it's never been a movement that actually did anything.
seriously just google "meninism"
show me 5 ways that feminism is for men's rights.
it's funny how you tell everyone to google everything. you don't seem to be able to actually tell me what any of this actually means.
I AM a meninist. I'm pretty sure I know what it means more than you do.
Oh my god
1. equality for both sexes
that's pretty much what feminism is soooo?
nowhere in the definition of feminism does it say that feminism is equality for both sexes
I said 5 reasons, not one.
confused as to why you're advocating for rights for a privileged sëx?
okay then, give me 5 reasons why meninism does more for men's rights? :)))
I'm not, I'm just not a feminist.
and meninism doesn't claim to give men rights or help men's rights, it's just a bunch of antifeminists mocking feminism.
so it's ok for you to say that every feminist says something, but we're wrong for telling men not to rape? yeah, great logic there 👍🏼👍🏼
also, feminism is the belief that women should be equal to men. why would feminists not want men to have rights when they want to be equal to them??
@cs I've literally been saying that and you're trying to deny it? also you stated that you WERE a meninist.
that's clearly why you shouldn't wear a t shirt with 'meninist' on it, unless you really want to come across as a harassing åsshøle
I said that I wasn't advocating rights for a privileged sêx.
well maybe I want to be a harassing ässhole. it's really none of your business what i wear. remember, feminists are supposed to let women wear whatever they want, right?
okay then so I bring back the argument of, you wouldn't wear a nazī shirt?
if I wanted to wear a nazï shirt I would, yes. it would still be none of your business. just like it's none of your business if I wear a meninist tshirt
If you would actually even be willing to wear a Nazî shirt, you're severely messed up and you obviously don't know the horrible crimes the Nazîs committed.
I'm pretty sure if you walked around with a swastika on your shirt you'd get spit on at the least, and rightfully so
the definition of feminism is:the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. so technically feminism is for both sexes
the definition of feminism is: the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of social, economical, and political equality to men. it never mentioned equality of the sexes.
equality of the sexes is the same as men and women being equal
basically what you just said was "women and men being equal isn't the same as men and women being equal"
equality of the sexes is the same as equality of men and women
I've never said that back off my account