🗞️ 5/5/23 (tap here) 🗞️
she posted! let’s catch up. sorry i went on a random hiatus but i managed to make a collage! it’s hard to find inspo lately haha. qotd: the most exciting part of your week?


🗞️ 5/5/23 (tap here) 🗞️ she posted! let’s catch up. sorry i went on a random hiatus but i managed to make a collage! it’s hard to find inspo lately haha. qotd: the most exciting part of your week?

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🗞️ 5/5/23 (tap here) 🗞️ she posted! let’s catch up. sorry i went on a random hiatus but i managed to make a collage! it’s hard to find inspo lately haha. qotd: the most exciting part of your week?
aotd: whenever I see my crush hehe so probably 9:50 to 10:10 AM on weekdays cause I see her every day at that time at least haha
so beautiful!! I’m good hbu
this is so pretty 🤩
well it’s complicated haha but we always get coffee at that time
ICED coffee
what kinds of coffee do you like??
yes they are!!
I found some on pin🦋 📍
Amazing collage
my grandma came to visit and my school year is almost over so that’s pretty exciting
aotd: currently in michigan!!! it’s been quite nice :)) hbu?<3
hey leida!!!
your welcome
oh really! I went to a musical today 😅
This looks so pretty 💕
Aahh thank you!!
aww tyy!!
I’ve been good lately, hbu 🫶🏽
jeckyll and Hyde
hii im backkk!🫶🏼🫶🏼
also…this is STUNNING😻😻
tysm!! i’ve been really good ! the break was perfect !!
how are you?
it is!!
oohh what play did you see?!
it was pretty good, it’s about this doctor named Jeckyll and he does an experiment type of thing and it fails so he turns into Hyde
lol yea 😅
yup sadly that’s what happened😭😭 & omg I love gilmore girls and friends!!
nothing much! hbu? (sorry I just saw this)
heyy, im greattt! wbu!? im so glad to see your still here 🤍
school okay, a bit stressful! how are you? btw this is gorgeous! thanks for the username! x
love this
Aahh thank you!!
tysm!❤️ I think she’s getting better ir’s really heartbreaking to see such a brilliant girl like her going thru this😭
also would you like to collab again? last time was so fun❤️
hey leida! It’s a bit time I haven’t talked to you! how are you doing? 💕