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Hey what's up? 💙
I think so, like depression/insecurity?
Is there anything you can do to distract yourself from the bad thoughts tonight?
hey man what’s wrong
Do you have a parent, teacher, friend's parent, someone like that that you could talk to?
twenty one pilots? you care about other people’s opinions?
Yeah. It's so hard to talk about those things. But sometimes you have to be brave and try anyway. She might be able to help you find someone who's trained on how to help.
It's definitely a step outside the comfort zone, but asking for help is not a sign of weakness
do you take medication?
But as far as right now is concerned, maybe just put in headphones and play your favorite music really, really loud. Listen to Friend, Please. Hug a pillow or stuffed animal or blanket really tight. Try not to think about the big picture right now; just make it through tonight. Just take things one day at a time.
and Is there any support groups near by?
Maybe not a cure necessarily, but that doesn't mean there won't ever be anything worth living for
Friend Please really is the best. I learned it on guitar to sing to my best friend back in high school when she was suicidal
okay, get a self help book. Talk to a counselor or therapist
find a starting point and go from there
I know it's overwhelming and it feels like this is all there will ever be. But that's a lie. You won't feel this way forever. There are things worth staying here for. And if you can't think of any now, then it'll be worth waiting for. Sometimes it helps me to try to list all the things I'm thankful for, big things like friends and family, small things like your favorite ice cream flavor or the way a certain flower smells, overlooked things like having clothes and food. That kind of helps me put things in perspective I guess
people will care though, I care and so does the person above me
look up how to speak in public
google is your friend
I hope this is helping
Your right now is not your forever. Remember the voice telling you you're not enough and you'll never be happy doesn't want what's best for you. Sometimes you're your own worst enemy. Don't let the darkness win; it's taken too many already...
it can help you find help
mental illnesses don’t go away at a drop of a hat but you can work towards suppressing them
Try to focus on breathing. In for four, hold for seven, out for eight (or whatever numbers feel most comfortable, the point is to focus on the counting). Focus on what you can see, hear, smell, and feel around you.
can you talk to your family about this?
Don't think about dealing with this forever, just focus on making it through today.
Just because you don't meet one person's definition of success doesn't mean you're a failure at everything. You survive your own thoughts, and that alone makes you so strong. 💙
Some days just surviving is enough.
Then maybe it's time blurry got punched in the nose
Keep trying. I know it's cliche (I'm cringing at myself honestly), but it's still true: suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. The sun will rise and we will try again.
are you religious? I’ve heard most churches hold support groups but even if you’re not, there’s probably some non religious ones
I’d recommend finding a community of any kind
me too, that’s what I said there were non religious support groups
in fact there’s some online
it’s worth a shot
what time is it where you’re at?
You're stronger. You've made it through every worst moment. It will be worth it. Right now just do whatever it takes to drown him out and keep yourself safe.
You are so valuable and the world needs you, and it doesn't matter what blurry or ANYONE else says, you have a place in this world and you will find it
That's good, I don't want him to like me. He's been asking for a good kick where it really hurts. You deserve so much better than what your thoughts give you.
That's right. Better things are coming. It will be worth it.
it’s no problem
I’ll be happy to talk to you again but right now I have to sleep
Someday smiling will be easier. I'm waiting for it, too.
hey are you ok fren?
sorry I couldn’t respond... it was nightime for me