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a doG
how cUTE
so cute
aw my heart❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
well he’s adorable i would die for him
not reallyy because i still have you but you get it
good morning
i love this dog but anyways i just finished working out what about you
how hot
i don’t haveee any pictures
are you okay
it seems like you don’t want to talk to me
do you not love me anymore💔💔💔💔
i never said you said that and i was sleeping
yeah i’m goodd my anxiety was super bad so i took three of those anxiety things but i had one last night and you’re only supposed to take three at most in twenty four hours so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess i’ll die
and i love you a lot too and in biology we were talking about heart diseases so now i’m super paranoid
wait did villanova win last night
aw man they did i wanted michigan to win because i like that 6’10 guy he’s scary tall🌚
never mind he’s 6’11 even scarier
yeah he’s great and yeahhh i’m finee my arms are like breaking out and getting super itchy and red
mhmmm good to know
and i’m finee don’t worry about me
i knoww i keep complaining haha but my ‘abs’ or lack of are really really really sore soo you should come over🌚
i don’t know and okay
ay ay ay ay ay ay jacob i miss you too
you didn’t even tell me you had a game and i’m good and she’s good
mhmm and i can talk now
all i did was respond when you responded backk nothing’s that off to me
and no
unless you want to be done with me or something
i love you too and whatever you say
it’s fine and i don’t think so
i feel like you don’t want to talk to me
oh okay and not really what about you
cool beans and yeah i’m fine are you
i don’t know but it’s good and that’s good
okay i’m going to bed and sorry i wasn’t being interesting to talk to i just thought you didn’t want to talk to me and i know i’ve said that a thousand times sorry but anyways goodnight hot guy i love you a lot a lot
and i hope you say you love me back or else my heart will shatter
morning love you
not that you care but this girl was like “i don’t get why people name their babies old names like, it’s weird because it’s like ‘oh look there’s baby margaret over there’” and her name is betty so,,,,,, the most hypocritical thing ever spoken in four lifetimes
i was going to say something snarky but i won’t