
Sisters Quote! If you have a sister, remember this quote. Side by side or miles away sisters are connected by hearts


❤️Touch❤️ Sisters Quote! If you have a sister, remember this quote. Side by side or miles away sisters are connected by hearts

197 1
plz remember this quote :)
icon contest on my page
I love your post💖
hey @dreamy_cloud there's an icon form on my page, if you want a new icon you can fill it out
plz see our reports!
내 사진 보냈는데 봤어?
thank you so much!!! you have also awesome collages!!! how creative you are I love it !!!
you got hacked again??!!😱😵😮😯
나도 운이 없는 셈이지 ㅠㅠ
나도 또 당했거든....
hacker deleted one of my collages!😥
icon contest on my page
Thank you so much!
Congrats on 1500! 🎉 🎈
can you join my summer games?
I love my sis❤️