There is clown in my backyard! Scared AF


There is clown in my backyard! Scared AF

6 4
Help me!!
is your mom there
what is your moms number
call the cops
no don't call my mum it find it will go away!
It is FINE
u ok
No 😱😱😰😰😰
when do u want me to come over
dude on the news they were saying that they saw a clown standing over a puppy it beat to death
when will your mom be home
OMG 😲 super scared now!😰😰😰😰😨😰😰😨😰😨😰😨😭
ikr dude u need to call the cops
No! it literally staring in my window!
it knows I am in there
tell me what your moms number is now
NO dude then she won't let me go to the concert
ok. then call the cops
Dude i going out there with my BB gun bye!
if the clown hasn't left then I'm not coming over there to walk with u
I scared it of with the BB gun! it's gone now thank God
really. where did you find a bb gunn. s***
Still little startled 😰😰😰😰
in my Brothers room
ur go gurl
so it's safe for me to walk to your house when it's times
I shot at it! Sooo
u did not
well kinda it got scared so after it left I learned how to control the gun! Bye
what time do you want me to come over
mom is home
ok good
I would start crying if I was with you
you need to tell your mom
what time do you want me to come over
ok it's safe for me to come over
I'm running when I come over
was scared 😱
there also targeting schools and my school too