1st edit after my “comeback” lol


1st edit after my “comeback” lol

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heck yeahhhh
this is A. R. T.
killin' it already✌️
haha it’s okay no biggie
meh,I’m doing pretty good. recently I’ve been working on a research paper for class, I’ve been fixing my TMJ, writing and drawing, eating sweets, collaging. oooh today I listened to pentagons new song and BRUH ITS SOOOOO GOOD! how’s your day/night?
lol do u just wanna make a chatpage
TMJ (stands for temporal mandibular joint disorder) is basically when the joints of your jaw pop out of alignment and it’s super painful. it’s not that it can’t be fixed without a doctor, it’s just super painful. good thing I’m almost better!
oh yeah I’m definitely dreading junior year
haha yeah I crack jokes about graduation just to annoy my sisters, it’s hilarious. yeah I heard it’s hard but like I think I can do it, especially since I won’t be taking many AP classes
oh no that must be sooooo stressful...I can’t really do AP but I have pass at least 5 for the capstone program
thx! I just hope I get decent scores for AP since standardized tests make me nervous