1. The internet is here. DnP 
2. Destroya MCR 
3. Somebody that I used to know Gotye 
4. Dance dance FOB
5. Can't help falling in love TØP


1. The internet is here. DnP 2. Destroya MCR 3. Somebody that I used to know Gotye 4. Dance dance FOB 5. Can't help falling in love TØP

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1. Glowing eyes- twenty one pilots 2. Joyriding- frnkiero and the cellabration 3.Stubborn love- the lumineers 4.trapdoor- twenty one pilots 5.home is such a lonely place- blink 182
^ omf the last one
1. holding on to you - twenty one pilots 2. Phoenix - fall out boy 3. save rock and roll - fall out boy 4. pantaloon - twenty one pilots 5. A car a torch a death - twenty one pilots 😄