Collage by My_Life_As_Elle


12 1
ok on what collage ?? or is this one ok??
let's do it on this one
ok so what is your favorite candy??
war heads
mine is HERSHESE chocolate
and so on
I love chocolate
me too🍫
do you like scary movies
kind of
I was raised watching scary movies when i was five i watch the grudge with my parents
ok cool😎 so what's your favorite 2 colors🤔
purple and green
blue and green
what are you doing right now besides talking to me??
eating dumplings
sure! sry it was a late reply
I'm going home. and right now there's a thunderstorm *Thinks, I love thunderstorms *⛈
hehe good. wanna do a Q and A
so what's your favorite song
stay by Zedd and Alyssa Cara👍
mine is rise by skillet
how old are you
I can't tell you yet
ok well I'm 17
cool so what do you want to talk about??
well I'm completely freaking out about once upon a time
well sorry but I have to go but I'll talk to later mabey💖😜🍫 bye TTYL ✨
hey Elle