My birthday is on Monday! I'll be fourteen (yes I know I'm younger than a lot of you). I'm gonna give a cheesy rant about how I've changed in the comments so check it out if you're in to that stuff


My birthday is on Monday! I'll be fourteen (yes I know I'm younger than a lot of you). I'm gonna give a cheesy rant about how I've changed in the comments so check it out if you're in to that stuff

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so the first picture is the closest one on my phone to last years birthday, it was the morning I left for spring break and my hair was being difficult so I sent that lovely picture to my friend, the same one from two posts ago actually. (my hair was in a ponytail in case you were wondering)
I have changed SO MUCH in the pasty year and like 6997643 times as much in the past two years. 1. Im genderfluid and I know it 2. in gayer bc being genderfluid and qxeer means I can be attracted to any gender and still be gay 3. I'm less socially anxious 4. I'm more confident 5. I like to think I'm a better person 6. I have a much, much better best friend (tell me if you want the details bc it's a long story)
whoop we’re born in the same yr i feel u lol
such progress. much wow
Happy birthday!
you are older than me, I’m 14 in September
Happy Birthday and yayy!! good for you finding who you are all that stuff😆😊💓
@ caption: I thought you were already 14, Happy early birthday
woah you’re 13? I thought you were older
and Happy early Birthday!!!
lol you’re welcome
Oof I just turned fourteen as well! A few months ago xx
Whoa I’m so proud of you. I haven’t even known you that long but I feel like you’ve come so far💕
Also yES I want the details on your best friend story if that’s okay
Happy birthday :)
Sorry to spam you with comments, for some reason it’s limiting the amount of words I can have now?
Happy early birthday mah dood 👌
awe im so glad! and also, YAY BIRTHDAY!
No problem