Who wants to give up on life with me?


Who wants to give up on life with me?

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💔yay go team sadness
Wanna talk? I'm here if you need me
if you wanna talk and have time
I'm here, are you okay with it being out there or should it be more private?
I don't really care
it's whatever
Okay, so what's up? I don't want you to feel like this
well, a lot of stuff
Okay so try to start with one thing, and let's work through that
at my school, almost everyone in my class hates me. one girl acts like she loves me and my best friend but she told my best friend that she hates me and I've heard her talking abt my besty saying she hates her.
I'm sorry, that really sucks 😔 Why does everyone hate you?
and this guy in my class treats me terribly
btw I go to a private Christian school
Well that's stupid! Why should they hate you if they don't have a reason to?! Wow, that's low. Okay so just to clarify you have a best friend and then this girl who pretends to be your friend but actually doesn't like you or your best friend?
I'm sorry. 😔 and okay
yeah. my best friend is Katie and the girl who hates us is Lauren. Lauren acts like she loves Katie but she hates us both... a lot...
So you have one good friend at least? That's good. I don't know the people at your school but if you can try to figure out why they hate you that might be good but if you can't that's fine. You just have to be confident and not let their opinions get to you because you and them are going down different paths and in a few years they won't matter.
thanks. I have 3 friends in my class
and one of them kinda switches a lot so one day she's good the next she's awful
Oh wow, that would be frustrating to me.
it is
she's an amazing person she can just switch sides a lot
Well at least she doesn't hate you. You have three good friends, you just have to keep them around and stay strong. How do you know your class hates you? Do they tell you?
they don't tell me but they act like it
Wow, that's like honestly so rude. I guess just try to be nice to them, don't act mean back. If you give them the reaction they want it'll make things worse
yeah. I try to be nice but it's really hard since some of them are extremely rude in their actions towards me
Wow, is there anyway for you to avoid them?
everyone in my class have the same electives except for 7th period and the only guy in my class who I'm friends with isn't in my art class
so not really
aw, well you just have to kill them with kindness and I know that sucks but you can't give them what they want which is for you to get mad and blow up because that'll make them do it more. You just gotta stay strong ❤️
thanks❤️well, I gtg, but I'll be on later probably so, talk later?
sure ❤️
I won't be able to talk tonight, sorry. I'll be on tomorrow probably tho. goodnight!😘❤️
hey💖 I understand that times can be really hard sometimes, but what matters most is that you don't let it take advantage of you💪🏻stay strong and always look forward❤️I'll always be here if you need someone to talk to
thank you so much❤️that's really sweet😘
no problem❤️
ugh I had an awful school day
how was your day?
pretty good, what happened?
school. people are jerks, I get depressed easily. also I hate loud noise and it was really noisy in all my classes so it stressed me out
aww I'm sorry
yeah I hyperventilated a little while ago because of really loud noise at my youth group
I'm sorry, I haven't been on PC and I just saw your comment. My day was pretty good today, yours?
it's fine. mine was pretty meh as usual