So I'm trying my best to get back into PC but...


So I'm trying my best to get back into PC but...

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you can compliment me all you want. but ya see, there's this weird thing where the bad stuff wins against the good in my head. I'm not good at art, not one little bit. I know this and I know many disagree with me. but the thought makes me work hard at my art. and at all other things in life. I'm bad a school? heck yeah. so what, I'll just have to work hard. I'm not the prettiest of girls in school but hey, at least that keeps me on my toes
that last part may not makes sense so I'll explain it. I am NOT pretty. and with me telling myself that, I am able to make sure I don't look any uglier. yay! *jazz hands* anyway, I have anxiety and I'm definitely depressed but whatever. life is life. plenty of people out there to do whatever. why worry what they think. I don't worry about what others think of me, not really. I'm more worried about what I would think if I saw myself. it may sound stupid but that keeps me movin. it keeps me from doing all the stupid things some people in my class would do. well, awkward rant thingy over.👍
aweeee u made me get the feels 😢
I can understand that (, and you're right, I do disagree that you look bad or aren't as talented.) I think most people, or at least most artists, use areas they perceive as weak to push themselves higher. Personally, when I'm critical of myself or my work, I'm just trying to force myself to stay humble (I'm a competitive and prideful person sometimes). I pick up what you're putting down, so to speak. Awkward rant high five! :3