I know this is crazy but...Trans people exist too !


I know this is crazy but...Trans people exist too !

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actually I'd say more like 99% of houses because my one uncle has one bathroom only guys are allowed to use and one only girls are allowed to use because he's weird
I don't exactly want to start an argument but I disagree. There shouldn't be gender nuteral bathrooms because it can be dangerous for women and girls. Any man can walk into a womens bathroom saying that he was trans, and there have many instances where women or girls were abuse because no one stopped a man from walking into a girls bathroom. I agree that tran people shouls have rights but their rihts should be more important than mine and everyone elses to put me in danger. Plus about 3% of the population are trans so putting so manny people in danger just for 3% of the popluation isn't fair or safe and it makes me uncomfortanble that no one would stop a man from going into a womens bathroom. If you want to, check out Hunter Avallone newest video on Youtube to see more of my opinion.
*trans *rights *shouldn't *many ... so many typos