Bacon eraser from guy in my class(may or may not have taken it without asking)πŸ˜„ I took it out of his backpack and was like" I'm taking this." And he was like"what no." And I just put it in my backpack and he gave up knowing I wasn't giving it back.


Bacon eraser from guy in my class(may or may not have taken it without asking)πŸ˜„ I took it out of his backpack and was like" I'm taking this." And he was like"what no." And I just put it in my backpack and he gave up knowing I wasn't giving it back.

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really Marla?
what? he didn't seem to mind😜 he gave up really quick and now sys he doesn't care
now I'm never giving it back because his friend called me fat for wanting a whole box of mini cupcakes the guy with the bacon eraser had