Ok I have a water mark bunny ears on my name how cute.2 collages today!!Kinda hate this one.Lol mmmm can anyone give me a shoutout?Tysm if you do!


Ok I have a water mark bunny ears on my name how cute.2 collages today!!Kinda hate this one.Lol mmmm can anyone give me a shoutout?Tysm if you do!

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Thank so much for even thinking about a shoutout! <3 To me that's enough, but if you want to upload a collage or anything, of course I don't mind! :P
(Just saw your comment on that collage I had, that asked if anyone wanted to talk) Thank you so much! If I still have the pic, want me to send it to you on the remixes? You can screenshoot it afterwards or sth :P
where do u get those little chalk like dots?
how come it doesn't have black lines round the text ?