Not the bests but I think it's cute this is not the Jared you an date this is the real life Jared Ryan tousley


Not the bests but I think it's cute this is not the Jared you an date this is the real life Jared Ryan tousley

15 0
joey and Kyle are on
is Autmun and Kayce on?
*kisses autmun*(Joey) *kisses Kayce* (Kyle)
Autumn kisses back) kayce kisses back
*tiggles all of them*(Joey & Kyle)
Autumn goes upstairs and kayce sits on couch
Kyle goes to tackle Kayce on the couch and joey goes upstairs with Autmun
kayce laughs autumn goes to restroom
Joey waits and sits on the bed and Kyle cuddles with Kayce
autumn washes hands and walks out of bathroom
kayce hugs Kyle
Joey grabs Autmun kisses her Kyle hugs Kayce back then Kyle says lets go into our room?
okay jumps on your back autumn kisses back
Kyle runs upstairs with Kayce on his back and joey kisses the tummy while playful punches her side.
hold on to you
drops Kayce onto the bed wait here I have to go to the washroom.
*runs to Kayce* wanna see something bby girl
I guess
*takes off shirt looks at my abs oh sh.. puts it back on*
doesn't show her my abs
autumn changes
don't ask.
wasn't gonna
*wanna go for walk?*
nah to cold
oh ok *feels her*
turns tv on watches YouTube
you ok bby girl whatcha on YouTube?
Rickey Dillion
oooooo can watch with you?
autumn and joeys 1 month anniversary is tomorrow