Kai: *sighs and looks around*
Maggi: *stands by Kai*
Taito: *wipes eyes* 
Ash: *sighs* He was a good kid.. 
Dark Quinn: *rolls eyes and hides in the shadows*


🐶Tap🐶 Kai: *sighs and looks around* Maggi: *stands by Kai* Taito: *wipes eyes* Ash: *sighs* He was a good kid.. Dark Quinn: *rolls eyes and hides in the shadows*

11 0
(you whent..so far....). yurichan-.....
(I did. I took OC death to a whole new level) Admin: *sighs and wipes eyes before walking over to Ash*
yurichan- ...-sighs and looks at crystal of karin-..... s
Maggi: *walks over to her* Hey.. I heard about Karin. I'm sorry..
yurichan- -tears fall-....-closes hands with crystal in it tightly-.......
Maggi: *frowns and holds arms out to her*
yurichan- -looks up and hugs her- -tears falling-
Maggi: *hugs her and sighs* Im sorry..
yurichan- its all my fault -buries fave my in he shoulder- i should of always been there for her..b-but i wasnt....
Maggi: I-I know the feeling.. I-I let myself get jealous of Karin.. And I pushed Quinn away
yurichan- -pulls away- why were you jealous
Maggi: I know it sounds stupid but... He loved her and she loved him.. *looks down*
yurichan- i know..but i why you jealous